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  1. Yes, yes, and yes! You hit the nail on the head. People need to stop pointing fingers and see what they can do to make a positive change.

  2. We need to respect everyone’s viewpoint and stop with the hate!

  3. I agree. It comes down to that quote “if your not part of the solution you’re part of the problem. We all can do better. We must do better.

  4. Debra Holloway says:

    I just accept most people as they are and don’t expect them to live up to unrealistic expectations.

  5. Angela Ingles says:

    What separates us – when “me” matters more than “we”. I’m not sure how we can fix it. There needs to be a shift from “me” to “we”. We have to be more considerate of others’ thoughts, feelings, beliefs, needs, desires.

  6. Margaret Appel says:

    Yep, it’s time the country pulled together, started taking care of our own, and work as a cohesive unit to make things here better. Waiting for everyone else to do it usually means nothing gets done.

  7. Sherry Compton says:

    We do have 4 pointing back at us. What gives us the right to judge one another? None of us our perfect. None of us get it right all the time. Be respectful, and, as you say, send out good.

  8. Cynthia R says:

    I always find it funny our the tolerant liberals are so intolerable of anyone else’s views other than their own. I’ve seen people on fb unfriend/unfollow someone just because of their political views- whether it’s right or left. We all need to listen and talk with each other, not shut down people. Where I live is pretty affluent and lucky, they have no clue why people voted for Trump, they just think everyone is backwards. They don’t realize if you just take a drive off the main highway into the small towns of america, most are covered in signs for trump. People wanted a change, people were so tired of being neglected and having every small unfair social injustice overblown and in the news meanwhile they don’t have any jobs or industry or their way of life.

  9. Thanks for sharing your views on this controversial topic.

  10. What separates us should be the same thing that unites us, the freedom of it all to be free.

  11. This is a great post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  12. I’ve been calling & mailing my reps with my thoughts.

    slehan at juno dot com