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  1. These are great tips for long road trips. I get very stiff and sore after being in the car for a long time. I usually need to stop every two hours and walk but now I can add in some jumping jacks and other stretches to help.

  2. I needed this guide! We’re going to the Carolinas and it is a looong drive. I am definitely going to need these stretches and workouts.

  3. Well if I am honest, I try to avoid working out most of the time. I am always somehow motivated to be active in the airport. Maybe it is knowing that I am about to be fully cramped up on the plane. I end up doing odd lunges while waiting.

  4. I am the worst at keeping fit during my travel… all the good food and restless activity from tourist activity to tourist activity burns me out. But then I end up feeling guilty because I need to continue working out and keeping healthy and fit. I gain so much weight when I travel. :p Thanks for the great idea of using an app and for all the interesting stretching and workouts for the road!

  5. Kathy Eyre says:

    I’m not sure if I would be doing hip circles at the airport, lol, but some great ideas!

  6. Some airports have a gym too.. I didn’t even know

  7. Dana Rodriguez says:

    These are great ideas for travel. Thanks!

  8. Thanks for the great info.