September is National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month | #GetReadyGetSafe

September is National Preparedness Month Children are the most vulnerable in emergency situations. That’s why Save the Children encourages everyone to act to better protect kids BEFORE disaster strikes.

September is National Preparedness Month

Did you know:

  • Every day, 69 million U.S. children are separated from their families while they are at school or child care.
  • After Hurricane Katrina there were more than 5,000 reports of missing children. It took 7 months to reunite the last child with her family.

Your child’s ICE card should include 3 emergency contacts — including an out-of- town contact, because during emergencies, local communications are often down. Make your ICE contact cards at It’s free and easy! Fill out one form for your whole family online (Save the Children will not store your child’s info anywhere). Print out the cards (you’ll get two copies for each child), cut and fold. Put one copy in a luggage tag to keep inside your child’s bag. Keep the other copy in your wallet.

Save the Children also created a fun song and dance called “The Prep Step” to help kids learn the 3 important prep steps every family should take. Check it out!

Do the Prep Step! Make emergency prep fun for the whole family.

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  1. Natalie, this is an awesome idea! Thank you so much for posting it. So often we ignore the “what if” scenarios, thinking it’ll never be us. I’ll definitely be better prepared, because of this insightful post! Thanks again for sharing!!!

  2. What a great idea, I like the In Case of Emergency card…because Hailey still doesn’t remember our number….maybe even laminate it hanging on the inside.

  3. Thanks for the reminder! Time to do all the drills for fire, hurricane, etc! Being prepared is so important! Thanks again !

  4. I really need to have this Emergency kit for my kids. A disaster can happen and my kids need to know what to do. I am getting this kit together right away. Thanks for posting this helpful information.

  5. My family needs to be more prepared for emergencies. It would be nice to create an emergency kit just in case.

  6. Such an important thing! We never think that bad things could possibly happen to us…Until they do! Always be prepared, kids!

  7. (SEPTEMBER IS NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH | #GETREADYGETSAFE) In our crazy and fast paced world today, having one of these prepared backpacks is always a great idea to have-

  8. How do these causes get these months, seems like every month has 12 things for it now a days. It’s always a good idea to be prepared.

  9. Talk with your kids and plan. Right now Hurricane Matthew is going on. The midwest have tornadoes. Winter snowstorms will be hitting some soon. There are so many things to prepare for. Talk to you kids. I like getting a backpack ready. Being prepared is smart.

  10. I think that it is never toopp early to practice safety including doing drills. I appreciate your review on such an important matter.

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