I haven’t done any linkups mostly because I’ve been out of town for the last 2 weeks in Kentucky, Tennessee & North Carolina. I still have to post about the trip and the places we visited & people I met. I gotta knock out these reviews first, they were all shipped to the house while we were out of town. There’s like 8 things. I have posted a few so far. In the meantime, here’s my Wednesday Confessions. Because I have a lot to confess about over the last few weeks. Linking up with Bella @ Dateless in Dallas & Kat @ Vodka & Soda.

1. I’ve been a funk lately. Seems like it’s in the blog water, a few people I know are in funks. Basically I have going on in my life, I just been feeling pretty depressed, not like super depressed (Thank God!) But at the same time. I just haven’t been HAPPY. I haven’t been HAPPY happy in long time. Years for that matter, but I can pretend to be happy, I’m good at pretending that everything is fine as wine in life, when it really isn’t at all. I used to post about my issues on LiveJournal, but that site has died down again. It’s not the same. But one day, I will be out of this funk, one day I will be happy, one day I can look back on this and I hope to never be in this funk every again. I wouldn’t wish this upon anyone, it’s a place no one wants to be or should be. But I’ll be okay.

2. I didn’t get enough hugs from Tyler when I met him in Nashville, but however I did remember to smile! He really gives the best hugs. I haven’t had hugs like that since forever ago. Not like #fangirling hugs, like legit, someone hugging you hugs. I can’t begin to tell you how this guy has seriously changed my life. Let’s just say I couldn’t thank him enough. I get my hugs again on Aug 5th, I’m taking Hailey with me as well. I wish I had the cash to take all the kids to meet him, but that’s $100 to meet him, lol. next year around tax return, I’ll save money for it.

3. My BIL is visiting.. which basically just means there’s a 5th child around all the time while John is at work. I won’t go into details it just drives me completely batty to say the least. Like excepts me to make him food and such. You’re a grown ass man, act like one. So annoying, YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW!!

4. I pulled my back somehow, sleeping is a bitch. Hell for that matter, my whole back hurts like hell. Falling apart slowly.

5. Breastfeeding is pretty much over I believe, I got him on milk now.. So that means, I can start losing weight and take more powder and whatnot, I didn’t take all that jazz, didn’t want to mess up the breastmilk. Need to get my butt in the gym in the backyard.

6. I know this may shock most of you, but I’m suppose to be studying for my permit this week, gonna go sometime next week to take the test. That’s right I don’t drive. More or less I just freak myself out driving, I mean have you seen people behind wheels, it freaks me out. So I just never drove, well I take that back, I’ve drove but I haven’t had my permit, did a backroads of KY a few times, that shouldn’t count though.