Easy Peach Cobbler Recipe

Peach Cobbler

Remember how I said I wasn’t the best baker, well I seriously need to semi-master this. Well let’s start easy, a super simple & easy dessert would be an easy Peach Cobbler! Now if you’re in the south, you should know what a peach cobbler is, if you don’t then shame on you! The rest of you may or may not know what it is. Let’s just say, it’s like heaven in your mouth, as long as you like something sweet & peaches. If I can make this, anything is possible, this is the first time I made this, but my mom has been making this forever! It’s really that simple, easy enough a caveman can do it! Let’s just say, I made this and it last maybe 2 days, between the kids & I. Jacob, my youngest who is 15 months old, ate it pretty fast, but was covered in cobbler afterwards. I’m still not sure how he manage to get it on the back of his head, but he did.

Peach CobblerPeach Cobbler Recipe

2 14 oz can of peaches (or 1 29 oz can)
1 cup of milk
1 cup of self-rising flour
1 cup of sugar
1 stick of butter
bonus: whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on the side.

Total Time:
1 hr 30 min  ||  Prep: 10 min  ||  Inactive: 20 min  ||  Cook: 1 hr

1 – Drain 1 can of peaches; reserve the syrup from the other.
2 – Heat the butter on the stove or in the oven until it’s melted.
3 – In a medium bowl, mix the flour and sugar. Stir in the milk and the reserved syrup.
4 – Pour the batter over the melted butter 9- by 12-inch ovenproof baking dish.
5 – Arrange the peaches over the batter. Bake for 1 hour on 350 degrees F.
6 – The cobbler is done when the batter rises around the peaches and the crust is thick and golden brown.

What’s your favorite dessert or cobbler to eat?

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  1. I haven’t had cobbler in foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I need a peach cobbler right now. I’m STARVING! Yum.

    I love stainless steel measuring cops. They rock!

  2. Cobblers are our favorite! My husband actually knows & makes a great apple cobbler recipe. This peach cobbler recipe sounds yummy and easy. Thanks.

  3. Reviewing measuring cups? Lucky!! Your peach cobbler looks fantastic. Do those peaches say that they are raspberry flavored? That’s just craziness. I live under a rock, I guess. Anyway, I think for not being a baker, you definitely could be a baker, just saying! 😀 Give yourself some credit!

  4. Ohhh, I would love a good set of measuring cups. Mine are plastic, and they disappear like spoons and socks! Yes!! I just had to buy more spoons because they tend to just disappear into the void.
    Though the forks are all okay.

    I don’t really eat fruit desserts as my texture issues and sensory processing disorder make that kind of stuff pretty hard to manage.

  5. I’ve never made peach cobbler before but this really looks delicious. I love trying new desserts so I am making sure I bookmark this recipe. Thanks for the share.

  6. If a caveman can do it, then I can too. 😉 I like the idea of stainless steel measuring cups. The plastic ones have some pros, but they have some big cons too (color change being one of them).

  7. Anything that’s stainless steel for the kitchen, I’m all over it. Easy to clean, no germs soaking into wood or plastic. These measuring cups look great, not to mention the yummy peach cobbler. My favorite cobbler would have to be cherry though. Yes I’m hungry now. You can bring the cobbler over any time. lol

  8. Oh my, I have never had peach cobbler and have to now. I know what you mean about spoons going to the place the dryer socks go lol. Will have to check these out.

  9. I typically don’t get into peach cobbler, which is strange since I LOVE peaches. This looks good, though! However, my favorite cobbler is blueberry cobbler. 🙂

    HilLesha O’Nan

  10. Yum! Love peach cobbler. I have to say that stainless steel is my choice for measuring cups, though I keep coming up with plastic that don’t last as long. Hope the measuring cup gnomes back off and leave yours alone.

  11. Mmmm, I love peach cobbler! And I may just have everything on hand to make some today. Except for the stainless steel measuring cups. I’ll have to invest in some because the 4 sets of plastic ones with all the measurements worn off aren’t cutting it.

  12. I have a favorite set of measuring spoons from anthropologie. They’re ceramic and beautifully painted, so I actually hang them up from my cabinet nobs. This has helped me to keep them together and out of the dishwasher, because there does seem to be a thieving monster in there who steals the exact 1/2 teaspoon measure spoon that you need. Thanks for the recipe for peach cobbler. I’ve never made one before.

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