Quick & Easy Deep Fried Oreos

Quick & Easy Deep Fried Oreos

I’ve only had deep fried Oreos once before I made this blog post and they’re my new favorite sweet treat. I first made earlier this year at work, when we had a theme night of carnival foods aka where everything was fried. Except at that point, they ended up making like 50 some packs of Oreos, I was having dreams of Oreos by the end of the night.

Quick & Easy Deep Fried Oreos

Have you ever been to a carnival and gotten over priced deep fried Oreos? Yea, that and funnel cake is my favorite sweet snacks to munch on down.

I thought it would be a fun recipe to try with the kids, we did it basic the first time around, next time we’re gonna change up the batter as well.



Mix the pancake batter according to the back of the package.

Preheat your oil to at least 250 degrees (or use an actual fryer, I just used a pot on the stove).

Quick & Easy Deep Fried Oreos

TIP: Drop a bit of the batter into the hot oil to see if it drops. Then floats and bubble to the top, that’s when you know it’s ready.

Dip each Oreo in the batter and then into the oil. Flip each Oreo over so they’re golden on both sides.

Quick & Easy Deep Fried Oreos

It takes about 1 minute tops on both sides. I batched cooked these in groups of 5-7 depending on size of pot or fryer.

Strain on a tray with paper towels, then dust with powdered sugar while they’re still hot.

Quick & Easy Deep Fried Oreos

Let cool a minute or two before eating. I didn’t really wait and regretted after I bite into the deep fried oreos, haha.

Quick & Easy Deep Fried Oreos

These are by far not healthy, but it’s a fun and easy snack for a get together with friends or just for a sweet treat during the summer break with the kids. We are going to try a few of the other kind of oreos and see which are the best to get fried.

What’s your favorite kind of Oreo to try as a deep fried oreos?

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  1. I’ve always wanted to try a deep fried Oreo but never did yet. They sound like a fun indulgence! Great easy recipe.

  2. I haven’t tried a deep fried oreo. I think just about anything can be fried! It looks tasty. I know that different vendors sell them at the fair.

  3. I’ve tried there at the carnival and OMG they are so delicious! I am so glad I came across your recipe because I cannot wait to try my own. I have a deep fryer so I am ready!

  4. I had no idea that deep-fried Oreos were even a thing! But I can see why they are, they look absolutely delicious. Cannot wait to give your recipe a try!

  5. Daaaaaang! Those are just two of my favorite things. Deep fried anything. Oreo cookies! Although I am not sure I can handle the sugar rush of the combo! I love that you combined these together!

  6. Yum, these sound so tasty! My husband would go wild for them. They remind me of the homemade donuts my mom used to make when I was little. I bet they would taste amazing made with the peanut butter filling Oreos!

  7. I’ve been to carnivals before, but I’ve never tried fried Oreos! I don’t think a pack of Oreos would last long enough around here to be able to try deep frying them. lol Funnel cakes are a great treat though!! One of my favorite things to get at the fair each year!

  8. We’ve not yet tried this, I think I saw them last year at the fairs. It would be fun to do, I don’t have a favorite one yet!

  9. If I were to try these I’d try the chocolate centre oreos as chocolate is god in our house. The kids would like the double stuffed as well!


  10. My uncle would really love these. I might make a batch during the holidays. He is diabetic and shouldn’t be tempted by such a delight as this.

  11. yum! yes I have tried these as well as funnel cakes and both are excellent, not healthy, but a treat we can have once in a while. Thanks for the recipe want to try this out with the grandkids!

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