What A Day Trip Looks Like in Washington DC

I was going to my first Yule Ball at Black Cat in Washington DC with friends. So here’s what a day trip looks like in Washington DC to kill time before the show. We also made it to Arlington Cemetery as well. All of these things are free to do, the only thing we paid for was the metro.

There were two main reasons to check out Georgetown, VA. To go take a picture of Georgetown Cupcakes, which had it’s own show on Food Network for awhile. We didn’t make it inside, as there was a long line.

So in the original movie, ‘The Exorcist’ these are the famous stairs by the house it was filmed at. Nothing really creepy about them, except the fact it’s a killer workout, lol. 97 stairs! You can find this location on Google Maps as ‘Exorcist’ Stairway located at 3600 Prospect St NW, Washington, DC 20007.

We also wanted to see the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial, but you had to cross a highway from the National Cemetery to get to it. We also wanted to see the Air Force Memorial & the US Marine Corps War Memorial.

But we weren’t aware you couldn’t drive to these things, you had to walk (or so we think, we didn’t ask really). So next time.. I never really realized how big the cemetery was until we walked most of it.

The first thing we checked out was where President John F. Kennedy grave site, at the top of that little section, you could look down and have a nice view of the district. If the trees were bare, it would of been a nice clear view. 

From there you could look up at the Arlington House where the Robert E Lee Memorial was at, we didn’t walk up there, there was some killer stairs we picked not to do.

If you’re ever in Arlington Cemetery, you really need to check out the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. When we were there, we were lucky enough to witness the ‘changing of guards’. Which honestly was such an honor to watch.

There’s an app with a interactive map, for Apple & for Android (You will thank me later, you’re welcome!).

I never met my grandfathers, they both died before I was born. However my mom’s dad was buried in North Carolina. But my dad’s dad was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. So going there and finding his name was pretty cool.

So right before that, you can see that strip of ground. That’s where they had new markers down of fallen heroes, I made it the whole time not crying. But that’s when it hit me how real it really was and how emotional it really was.

On the way back to the Welcome center, we passed two groups of people going to funerals, that was sad to say the least, we choose a farther walk, than the closer walk, to pay our respects and not used the one road.

I don’t believe I could handle it well anyways. Needless to say, if you ever have time in DC, I totally recommend you checking out Arlington National Cemetery!

I’ve never been this close to the White House before, so this was pretty cool. We’re going to have to make a trip up to DC again and see all of the museums on the National Mall again.

I don’t know when I’ll be able to come back and do another day trip to Washington DC, but I hope I take more pictures next time. I better have some better shoes, portable charger for my phone! Enjoy!

What’s your one must see when you’re visiting Washington DC?

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  1. What an amazing trip! Good job packing all the good stuff into one day. We drove through Arlington once, a few years ago, and barely had time to stop at the national cemetery. I’d love to go back one day!

  2. What an awesome trip! You got some amazing pictures! My grandparents took me to these places the year I turned 16 and it’s a trip I’ll not soon forget. I have a lot of special memories. It was fun to see your pictures and go down memory lane.

  3. KICK-ASS-TRIP! I’m glad you got out the house and had some time to yourself. EXCELLENT pictures, btw!

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