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  1. Courtneylynne says:

    Omg yes!!! I’m not even that great of a writer, I’m more of a storyteller, and I have had people steal blog post several times! Craziness!

  2. Robin Masshole Mommy says:

    It is all about the SEO. If any blogger doesn’t know about it, they should learn QUICK!

  3. Great tips! I was so good about following up on every comment, but I’ve been slacking lately. That interaction is so important. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. I don’t understand why people steal others work. If you like someone said or did, you should absolutely give them credit. Whenever I’ve written a post and I’ve discovered something because of another blogger or Youtuber, I always give them a shout out and a link to their site. We should support each other.

  5. Elizabeth O. says:

    Those are all accurate. Reader engagement is important if you want your blog to be known, it’s important to interact and respond. Being active is of course the number one reason, but also, make sure to never copy posts from other websites.

  6. I think interacting with your readers is the best way to keep them coming back. Blogging is hard work and for us to keep on top of our game, we must really learn the ropes. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  7. I agree with the signs, especially when it comes to the “just another mom blog”. These are some great reminders that tells us not to give up and just lower our standards.

  8. Bloggers just dont understand how important SEO is. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Great tips! They’re great for boosting your blog but also important to keep in mind for someone just starting out. Do it right the first time and they wont have to go back and correct their mistakes!

  10. Wonderful tips! I’m always looking for ways to get more traffic. I try to post something each day of the week days and I usually don’t on the weekends. That way I get some time off as well, but still have about five posts during the week.

  11. Natalie your list is very helpful and so true, especially the part about being active in your social community, such as FB groups. You reap what you sow, so the more you interact with other bloggers, the same amount of interaction is also reciprocated to you. Thanks for sharing!

  12. The blogging world is tough! You really have to stay active to stay alive. With little kids around, it is so hard, but I just look at it for the fun part. Numbers don’t matter to me right now 🙂

  13. It’s crazy when you work hard coming up with a post and find it on someone else’s site. That has happened to me before and my pictures were stolen. Ughhhhh makes me mad thinking about it!

  14. Danne Reed says:

    Oh, you’ve got a very informative post here! I hate to see people doing plagiarism just to have traffic on their site. SEO is definitely one of the keys!

  15. Building a blog is definitely hard work, but if you make sure to “follow the rules and guidelines” even the unspoken ones, you can be successful.

  16. As I have been upping my SEO game I have been slowly getting more and more organic search traffic – boosting your SEO is well worth the time!

  17. It is so frustrating when people steal your work or pictures without permission. Grrr!!! I do pretty well with SEO for a newbie, but I think a lot of your other points contribute to bad SEO (plagiarism, not having original voice or content, lack of engagement, not posting often enough). Great post!

  18. Someone who is thinking about starting a new blog need to read this, since I know building a blog is not easy and everyone needs advice on many things.

  19. Jennifer Clay says:

    These are some great tips. I use to put in a lot of time into my site, and since I had to start working full time after my divorce, I have seen some differences in my traffic. It makes so sad because I love my site and running it! I have been trying to focus more on it.

  20. These are great tips of things to avoid while blogging. I don’t blog myself, but enjoy visiting various blog sites. 🙂

  21. Laurie Nykaza says:

    Good information to help people to run their blogs.

  22. Margaret Sarsfield says:

    im thinking of starting a blog. thanks for the great tips!

  23. Sandy Klocinski says:

    Awesome post! If you want your blog to be seen, SEO is a must. And interaction with your readers is all important as well

  24. interesting to read about some of the behind the scenes!

  25. Shannon Victoria Holmes says:

    These are great tips. Thanks for sharing with us.