When My Laptop Decided To Stop WorkingWhen my laptop decided to stop working.. 3 days ago, I noticed my site was lagging.. my internet was lagging.. I thought it was just me.. I thought it was my laptop being a douche, because my laptop is a douche a lot.. so is Comcast, Comcast is a big douche. Getting off topic.. Well I go to log into my hosting site.. apparently I’m not alone, everyone was getting screwed.. it become to the point where I was getting 503 & 404 errors.. They were all, “you need to buy more servers!!! WHAT!?!?! Why do I need more servers.. my site is THAT popular.. crazy folks, at that.. that was $30 MORE than I’m already paying.. no thanks! next day.. NOTHING WORKS. I can’t log into my site. I was like are you shitting me, you want me to get more servers and the one you have don’t even work. Does that even make sense? NO, no it doesn’t.. So while being basically locked out of my site, not being able to update, no one can get to it.. my traffic died..When My Laptop Decided To Stop WorkingI was getting at least 200 a day, down to what 3.. WTF man, that’s horrible.. really makes me mad, nothing is more crappy than someone coming to your site and it doesn’t work.. def doesn’t make them want to come back! Anyways.. then my internet was being sooooo slooooowwwww like whaaaaaaaat.. so I downloaded a new anti-virus & anti-malware.. yea well… let’s just say, they deleted stuff that the computer needs to run.. needless to say, that was my first mistake.. hahahah well no.. the first mistake was not making a restore point. Yea, that’s my first mistake. Then I’ve been keeping my files on the 1 of like 5 hard drives on my husband’s computer.. aka my hard drives from past laptops and desktops.. hahaha yea I enjoy hoarding When My Laptop Decided To Stop Workinghard drives, what can I say.. Getting off topic again.. so.. after giving up on my laptop, today.. started it up.. it decided it was gonna RESTORE IT SELF.. back to like.. the point you have to login, make a password and have NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING on my laptop now. No pictures.. No tumblr gifs… No Custom work… No Scrapkits.. which there was A LOT of scrapkits.. that being said, we’re going to geek squad tomorrow to see if we can get all my stuff back.. to see if it’s still there.. I NEED it to be still there.. I’m not to worried about the pictures.. When My Laptop Decided To Stop WorkingI can re-download all the scrapkits.. but the custom work, i need that stuff.. I was working on stuff.. everything.. gone.. So yea. Now I have to use John’s desktop.. I have the worst laptop voodoo.. I think it’s a thing with Best Buy Laptops.. I got my first laptop from Comp USA, that last like
5-6 years, haha.. But these best buy ones and the fact you have to buy a new insurance each damn time. I’m tired of that shit, I’m getting insurance through Square Trade.. while googling internet problems yesterday, I found like 2 blogs from past geek squad employees saying to pick them over geek squad.. since they never do “fix” any of my problems.. I’m never gotten a computer back, it’s always.. “broken.. get a new one” and it’s cheaper.. can’t beat that. So check it. Squad Trade, whenWhen My Laptop Decided To Stop Working your laptop breaks or whatever. They send you a box, they pay for the shipping to & from them. WITHIN 5 days they will either fix & send the laptop back or send you the money to get a new one.. LIKE WHAT 5 DAYS!?!??!? It takes 2x-4x that long for best buy to even get back to you. Once it took them 2 months, like seriously.. I can’t go a week without my laptop, hell I can’t go a day without my laptop, let alone 2 months. Oh and also SO MUCH CHEAPER! Yes please! WordPress isn’t working now, I just can’t win.. it’s not letting me update my sidebar, nor is it showing my pictures in my media. #endrant