So there’s this guy and he’s kind of amazing, his name is Tyler Ward. There’s fans and then there’s family, we like to consider ourselves The Tyler Ward Family.
Besides Tyler Ward, we’re only the coolest people on the planet. Legit, these few amazing people, I like to think they are some of my closest friends. Friends I just recently met, but with the 24/7 chat we have had going since the end of July, we actually have more in common then we think. When one is down, we support that person. No matter what they’re dealing with. It’s like a family, a family of people scattered all over the world. Of guys and girls of all ages. I think I’m the oldest, but I’m cool with that, I have lived through most of the things the other people go through, therefore I’m here with lots of wisdom, advice and an shoulder to cry on. Because when I was in my dark times, I didn’t have many, I had a few friends here and there. But no one truly understand, except my one friend, or the few who have gone through the same things. That’s when the name became something. I love these people, a lot. People I never met, yet I have a connection to them. They also happen to have great taste in music, haha. I wish I had these gals and guys the first time around when I was going through some horrible things. But I’m so glad I found them when I did, because no matter how much of a crappy day I’m having, another maybe having the same kind of day, we always are here for each other, no judging, there’s always hope. That’s the best kind of people to have in your life. I don’t know if they truly know how thankful I am to have them in my life, but enough to put on my public blog for the WORLD to read, that should show right? If you ladies and gents read this, know that I’m always here for you, no matter what, any time of the day, we all know I never do sleep, haha.. I may not have Tyler’s amazing smile, or those beautiful brown eyes.. or those girly legs.. hahahaha but hey, I can make you laugh too! If nothing else, we can eat some oeros together!
Found that gem in the google search, how can you not smile watching that? You’re welcome!
You’re loved, You’re beautiful, You’re worth it! I Love You!
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Why I love my #HilariousWardinators so much! @tylerwardmusic via @nataliemadeit
Logan Can
haha He has a winning smile, for sure! I ove finding a good community of people who support one another. It’s a great feeling. 🙂
doesn’t he!?!?! he’s not like other music artist, he’s really loyal and humble and most importantly, REAL to his fan base, which is amazing!
Hi Natalie…not sure what happen to my comment…it’s probably lost in the web somewhere..LOL I think it’s cool how much you love Tyler Ward even though I have never heard of a Wardinator or (please don’t hate me) Tyler Ward BUT being a devoted fan is still awesome!
hahahha I wont hate you, but you should totally check him out sometime if you get the chance!