Have you ever had a toxic work place that was worst than a toxic relationship? I think we have all been there a time or two. I’ve had my share of not so great places I’ve worked.
But the lesson in all of this is, don’t let a toxic job destroy you. It got to the place of they told me everything I wanted to hear to think that they needed me more than I needed them. But that was all a lie too.
Three in five workers said work-related stress caused them to have a lack of interest, motivation and energy at work. A total of 36% had cognitive weariness, 32% emotional exhaustion and 44% physical fatigue—a 38% jump from 2019.

If It’s Hurting Your Mental Health and/or Physical Health
Sometimes you don’t realize how much a job is eating away at your mental health until it’s too late. My mental health isn’t even 100% on a good day, but I learn to maintain it, but sometimes you just need a break to reset your mindset in your workplace to make it work. It’s like when you put 100% into a job and you’re only getting 50% effort back, it’s just not the same.
But I caught myself giving my all for a job and as of last week I was exhausted, mentally and physically and I was being overworked and underappreciated as an employee. If was to the point with everything going on this year that, they were calling us on our days off to come work. Like I need a day to not do anything, a day to RESET my mind. It’s the only way to survive in any job.
You Have The Funds To Leave
Without all this extra money that we have been getting from the government, I don’t know what I would do. I’ve been smart with it though, I’ve been slowly paying off my credit debt and slowly paying off my medical debt. So I can be a place where I have little to no bills and I can live comfortably. It’s also always smart to have another job lined up before you quit your current one, but sometimes, enough is enough and it’s time to get out.
If it’s affecting your self-esteem.
They made us believe that because they paid higher than most jobs in our area that we should stay with them. But when you really think about the numbers instead of the $15/hr we were getting, we were really only making $10/hr being seasonal workers. It’s like staying in a unhealthy marriage or relationship. You don’t think you can do better then what you’re currently doing, so you stay, even if it makes you unhappy.

Quitting takes courage — especially if you don’t have a Plan B.
I’m not telling you to quit your toxic work place, but if you don’t have the passion you once had and you have thought about it more than once. Don’t wait, your health and well-being are more important a job. You have to take care of yourself before you can put your heart into any job or source of income.
Dana Rodriguez
I totally agree with you. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your sanity and health for some job.
Kari B
I try to keep an emergency fund, so I don’t have to stay in a toxic workplace. It’s difficult to do, but worth the effort to have the freedom to leave a toxic environment.
megan allen
Thank you for sharing! There is nothing worse than a toxic work environment..been there..done that!
Christina Gould
I’m so glad my working days are over! Thanks for posting!
Debbie P
I so agree with you.
If the workplace is toxic and affecting the worker it’s best to resign.