I told myself that I wouldn’t let what happened the first time get that bad again, I saw that my husband was slipping away and I wasn’t sure why. If two people don’t try to make something better, it will not get better. One person can’t work on something, it’s a team effort and this team is breaking up. I asked my husband for a divorce, because I knew he already gave up on me on the inside.

picture from Pexels.com
I Asked My Husband for a Divorce…
What I learned from the first separation (almost divorce) was not to keep things bottled up, that whatever I may be going through, someone has gone through it before. That I’m not alone, first time around, I thought I was alone. More or less the whole thing came out of no where, I wasn’t ready for it, I thought what we had was perfect, I thought he was my forever. This time around, I wanted to give it a second chance, I didn’t want to leave myself thinking, “what if..” “what if I didn’t give him a second chance” Well at least I can say I tried, for that alone.

picture from Pexels.com
There’s not a lot that can be done or fixed. Life will go on. I just hope we can still be friends. It’s going to be a lot of changes, but I will make the best of it, I won’t give up, I will be the best I can be for my kids & I. I won’t let this make me sad and depressed. If you’re having a hard time letting go, always remember, if they wanted to stay, they would be here now. You can share this with someone you think it may help them like it helped me.
(update) I later found out that my husband was cheating on me behind my back and I wouldn’t find out until almost two years later in court that his now fiance and him met 3 months BEFORE we even sat down and had this chat. I am not sure what I am more hurt about. The fact, he was able to sit there and tell me it was my fault or the fact that I believe it was actually something I did. When in fact, he simply fell out of love with me and with another woman. How does someone heal from something like that?
If you’re having a hard time letting go, always remember, if they wanted to stay, they would be here now. #MovingOn http://t.co/Av2kGKABYZ