10440673_456357791175730_5864164146436931064_nI’ve been to a lot of places, but this year for example.. I bought tickets to see Tyler Ward in concert in Nashville, Tennessee! Yep, I live in VA.. we drove 5 hours to NC to drop off the kids at my parent’s house (except Jacob, he was still attach to the boob, lol). Then we drove 10 hours to John’s family’s house in Hardinsburg, KY. Then drove to his sister’s college in Bowling Green, KY. Which is like 1-2 hours from Nashville, I forget now. Then drove to Nashville the DAY BEFORE the concert. Also got to see Brynn Elliott & Mikey Wax which both are freaking amazing, you need to check them out if you haven’t yet! That morning of the concert, i lost my phone, but what really happened.. Jacob threw it into the toilet.. Yea.. by some miracle it was still working for the concert that night. I wanted to get to the place early, but that wasn’t happening, John wanted to go to the hotel first. Which might I add, we got this sweet hotel for FREE. Can’t beat that. This place was sweet. The breakfast area, had a waitress.. like whoa & the food… So I wanted to bring the kids something back from Nashville and also get something autographed for them, so I got 4 monkeys, it was totally a win – win. The concert was amazing, my phone wouldn’t keep a charge for nothing, so not all the pictures were that great, but i got a few videos from it.. Which the VIP was totally worth the one on one talk with Tyler. The concert itself, there was this couple from

10547644_480058708805638_5175602170116069733_nNC, the boyfriend totally proposed to the girlfriend on stage during his song, “Falling”. So jealous.. future boyfriend, I want that, take note! haha.. Then after crying my eyes out on that, He did “Beginning of a Bad Idea” (more crying) and then “The Rescue” which was special, I wish I had video of it. Sung it to me, I’m just bawling like a baby at this point and I didn’t care who saw me cry like a baby.. So when it came to meet n greet.. I was all, “Tyler, why did you make me cry??” He said, “I knew it was something you needed to hear..” Seriously? so much love. It was really great.  Yea he grabbed my phone took like 20 #selfies hahaha.. I think that’s the most fun I had all year.. okay, well besides seeing him again later in August in DC, lol. That was sweet too, not as awesome as Nashville though. Next time, I’ll have to go back for longer than two days, there was so much to see and not enough time to see it. Might I add, the place we saw him at, Rocketown, have the nicest people working there ever! Another amazing concert for the books! Thanks Tyler!