So when I had to a chance to go to a Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert I didn’t waste any time. I was lucky enough to see Hillsong in concert last year, but I was able to see them again this year. They were actually in North Carolina twice, but I didn’t get to see them during the other tour. Now last time I saw them was in a church and we had a seat in the back. I told myself that I wasn’t going to seat in the back. The floor seats were $50. You can’t beat that. Little did I know how close I would actually get. Now I normally go to concerts alone, why? Because you should always go to concerts alone and make friends while you’re there.

Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert 5/5/16 | #EMPIREStour

When I finally got there and got down to the floor, I soon found out that we were RIGHT BY THE STAGE!?! What, I was so excited. There were quite a few people already there, who had VIP, but I didn’t get that, next time.  Sometimes, you just need to go to a concert to be moved, to be closer to God. Honestly, there’s nothing better than praising God with a bunch of strangers. You can go to these, you can sing, dance, and praise God and not be judge. That’s the greatest thing on earth.

Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert 5/5/16 | #EMPIREStour

Funny story, the 3 people in the picture above all go to the same school on the coast. So the one girl turned to me and asked, “So what grade are you in..” I giggle for a moment and said, “Oh, no I am way past the age of a collage kid..” She was like, “WHAT!?!?!??!” I was like, “Yea, I am 30…” She swore I was like 22.. Well thanks! But no.. Tell tell me, I don’t look that old, I don’t look old enough to have 4 kids either.. haha

Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert 5/5/16 | #EMPIREStour

First Lauren Daigle came on stage. Now I first saw her at Winter Jam back in Febuary when they were at the same place. That concert was also amazing, my seat wasn’t the greatest and I have the worst case of a migraine-vertigo, I almost passed out. It was bad, but this was 10x better than that and less crazy and way less people. There was just enough but not over crowded on the floor. Lauren comes out and sings about 4-5 songs I believe, I can’t remember, I meant to take more videos of each song, so I would have them for this blog post, but I go so into the songs, I could praise and take videos. However, she sung my favorite song…


“You plead my cause, you right my wrongs. You break my chains, you overcome. You gave your life, to give me mine. You say that I am free, How can it be?” – How Can It Be

“Before I speak a word, let me hear Your voice.And in the midst of pain let me feel Your joy. Ooh, I wanna know You, I wanna find You, in every season, in every moment. Before I speak a word, I will bring my heart and seek You first.” – First

“When You don’t move the mountains I’m needing You to move. When You don’t part the waters I wish I could walk through. When You don’t give the answers as I cry out to You. I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You!” – Trust In You


Those three sets of lyrics are the most relatable with everything that is going on in life currently. It’s a friendly reminder, that whatever we have going on in our lives, we can give it to God and we don’t have to worry. All of these always make me cry, honestly. These lyrics hit all the right strings on this broken heart of mine. I simply love Lauren’s music. You should totally check her out! She is amazing!

Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert 5/5/16 | #EMPIREStour

Then JD (from Hillsong United) came out and talked to us a bit, he shared this awesome bible verse, Matthew 25:35-40For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

He also shared a bunch of information about different things. There’s this thing on July 16th in Washington DC. They’re expecting at least a million people to come and worship and sing. There’s a ton of artist who are going to be there including Hillsong United… the best part about this? It’s FREE! Here’s the details:

Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert 5/5/16 | #EMPIREStour

Hillsong United did so many of my favorites, but a few they didn’t sing were Cornerstone & Mighty to Save. Both are my kid’s favorite songs by them, besides Oceans. Of course they sung Oceans.

Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert 5/5/16 | #EMPIREStour


There’s so many amazing Hillsong songs, here’s a few lyrics from my favorite ones. Honestly, you need to hear all of them though.

“The enemy has been defeated, death couldn’t hold you down. We’re gonna lift our voice in victory, we’re gonna make your praise loud.” – Shout Unto God

“You are all I want, You are all I need. Every breathe I take is every breathe to say, I am yours now forever.” – Street Called Mercy

“Tearing through the veil of darkness. Breaking every chain, you set us free. Fighting for the furthest heart. You gave your own life for all to see.” – Relentless

“I’ll stand with my arms high and heart abandoned. In awe of the one who gave it all. I’ll stand, my soul Lord to you surrendered, all I am is yours.” – The Stand

“Even when my strength is lost, I’ll praise You. Even when I have no song, I’ll praise You. Even when it’s hard to find the words, louder then I’ll sing Your praise” – Even When It Hurts

“In my heart and my soul, Lord I give You control. Consume me from the inside out, Lord, let justice and praise. Become my embrace, to love you from the inside out.” – From the Inside Out

“My heart beating, my soul breathing. I found my life when I laid it down. Upward falling, spirit soaring. I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground.” – Touch the Sky


Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert 5/5/16 | #EMPIREStour

Those lyrics all of them is a friendly reminder that we’re not alone, that God is there with us every step of the way. When our burdens and struggles become too much for us, we can lay them all down at God’s feet and he will help carry us through. I don’t know about you, but that’s refreshing. At point one, we did a prayer and, I tried to keep it together, but with just everything going on in life right now, I broke down. I forgot to bring tissues, but I was moved. I was reminded I am not suppose to do it alone, even when I feel alone, I am not. I walked away from that concert feeling refresh, feeling alive again. Being reminded that we all were brought to that concert for a reason, we all had those conversations, we met new people all for a reason. A reason we may not see now, but will come into play later in life. Me, I needed to be reminded that I don’t have to do this alone. For that, I am thankful for Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle.

Hillsong United & Lauren Daigle Concert 5/5/16 | #EMPIREStour

Here’s a mash-up of all the snap-chats (which by the way, it was 7 minutes long, oops!) and actual videos I took during the concert. But like I stated before, I really wanted to enjoy this concert rather than taking pictures/videos. So I did just that. I felt totally refresh afterwards. A bit deaf from the speakers, but totally worth it. I walked away with some new friends and a new out look on life.

Have you ever seen Hillsong United or Lauren Daigle in concert? If not, do you have a favorite song by them?