I’m a night owl. Some nights are worst than others. I’ve taken all kinds of sleep aid, everything honestly and some things would work for a few months, then my body would just get used to them and they stop working all together. So when I heard about Berry Sleepy, I thought to myself, “maybe these might just work..” Well I took it for 3 nights. It says to take 2 pills 30 minutes before you plan on going to bed, so I did, normally with everything I take sleep aid wise, it takes about an hour to kick in. With Berry Sleepy, I never got sleepy, actually it did the opposite, I was kept wide awake. Blah, so I contact the customer service and I was told to try 1 pill instead of one pill and it should work. Well I tried that for 3 nights.. still nothing. So I don’t need any help staying awake, that I got covered, haha. I go to bed around 2am to 4am, depending on what I got going on blog wise. Then I wake up at 6am and start my day, yea, that’s no sleep.. I know, trust me I know.. I’m one sleepy mom.. between 4 kids, my blog and my website business. I just gave up on sleep for everything else. I seem to manage to work on less sleep, when I do get to sleep, a full night of sleep is about 6 hours.


Research studies show that tart cherries, goji berries and passion fruit contain vitamins, minerals and naturally-occurring compounds that reduce insomnia and regulate sleep cycles. Passion Fruit contains serotonin, a mild, delicate sedative perfect for restful sleep. Promotes feeling of calm, relaxes the mind and body and supports and regulates sleep. Gogi Berry has a blend of magnesium and thiamine ideal for high quality sleep. Reduces time it takes to fall asleep, promotes beneficial sleep and increases energy the next day. Tart cherries contain optimal levels of natural melatonin for gentle sleep. Improves sleep duration and quality, helps manage disrupted sleep and improves sleep patterns.

Let superfruits put you to sleep! You can purchase a bottle for $39.95. A bit on the pricey side. These didn’t work for me, but I have a more of an issue with insomnia than a normal person, so these may actually work for someone, they just didn’t work for me. But might I add, they have great customer service!

How many hours of sleep do you get at night on average?

Disclosure: The Berry Sleepy brand has supplied me with a bottle of Berry SleepyΒ in exchange for a honest review. They also provided one bottle for the winner of the giveaway.