So I missed last weeks, I think.. I honestly don’t remember what the days are anymore or what happened two days ago, it’s been kinda crazy. I know one thing though, I love how I don’t have to wake up at 6am until September, gotta love summer vacation! Now if I can just get the kids to sleep in past 7 am, I would be set. In between laundry gotta get everything ready & packed for this weekend. Going to Kentucky & Nashville! 1400 miles is going to be happening within the next week, kinda crazy if you ask me. With that said, I’m linking up with three awesome ladiesΒ Bella over at Dateless in Dallas, Β Liz over at Fitness Blondie, & Kat @ Vodka & Soda. I suggest you check their blogs out, they’re awesome πŸ™‚ Here’s my list, 5 confessions of a SAHM.

1.Β Resetting the Washer – I hate Laundry!


Let’s face the facts here, we all have done it.. You get so busy in everything you’re doing, housework, cooking, sitting on pinterest for 2 hours (never done such a thing, lol). Whatever it was you were doing, you forgot to load the washer into the dryer. I don’t know about you, but we have a crap washer & dryer, so you have to do like 2-3 cycles in the dryer before it actually dries the clothes, so if you slack on the washer load, it’s gonna take 10x longer than it should.

2. There’s no shame in wearing yoga pants

I see nothing wrong with wearing yoga pants, I happen to own a yoga pants & yoga capris. They’re comfy to wear, I ain’t got no one to impress, they are comfy to wear, it’s something easy to throw on when you got kids running like crazy mini people. Okay I can understand the skin tight basically see-through ones, that’s a bit much, otherwise stop hating on my sofa pants! haha I wore them a few times while “working out”.

3. Real life friends

Sad, but true.. I have no “friends” that live near me, I simple don’t know anyone. No one.. I mean I have my sisters who are in Northern VA (2 hrs from us). But no one hear near us. I have my friends back home in NC. All of my friends live in my computer, to say.. I have some amazing friends, that I love dearly for that matter. Just no friends in NC πŸ™ that’s sad, I know. The fact I’m home 24/7, no car, no babysitter, I rarely go anywhere, unless it’s with John… or we go somewhere as a family. No mommy time, the world would fall apart without me.

4. What I would do for a 9-5


When I was working full time OUTSIDE the house, getting a real paycheck, having adult conversations on topics, something besides Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Dora. It was awesome, I’ve worked off and on, when I was a single mom, I was working 2 jobs at one point to save money for my wedding at that point. When John was in the Army, I was working 3rd shift at a sheetz (gas station/fast food). Talk about no sleep, that’s what kicked in my insomnia, being up from 10 pm to 6 am working, coming up being up til 5-6 pm and sleeping from then to 930 pm when I went to work. CRAZY! But I miss it, I miss it a lot, when all the kids go back to school (in 5 years, I’m getting a legit job).

5. Nap time is golden!

Legit.. *knock on wood* is when I can get the most stuff done on the computer. When the kids were in school, Hannah & Jacob both take naps, it’s amazing, it’s the little things like that. When kids get older and get out of the nap stage. I wish I took more naps as a child, I wouldn’t be so tired now, lol. I could train the kids to take naps, 10 laps around the house sounds like a good plan, only kidding..